Our Story

Our Legacy

Honoring Don and Betty Fields, Fields Market Garden pays homage to the couple’s 60 years as community activists who reached some of the most under-served in Hamilton County. They helped usher Carmel from township to city status and made their home continually available to all.

Fields Market Garden models their work by encouraging engagement with our neighbors, cultivating connections with people and the earth, and seeing community grow. We’re excited to join hands with those who want to contribute to the garden’s mission of connection and engagement.

Our Current Season

We’re thankful for the strong foundation we built at the garden this year and are inspired by plans for its continued growth. The non-profit urban garden is set in the heart of Carmel which provides the unique opportunity to unite us with our nearby neighbors, residents in North End, and local community service organizations which share our passion. The North End community features 40 attainable apartment units set aside for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, which creates an awesome opportunity to provide meaningful work and engagement opportunities just steps from their homes. 

The 2023 season allowed us to hire two North End residents to work part time at the garden. We hosted 48 unique volunteers throughout the year totaling to 312 volunteer hours which were instrumental in contributing to building out and operating the garden. Our team grew seasonal flowers and produce to sell to customers. As a new community partner, Fields Market Garden was also able to donate 222 pounds of fresh produce to local food pantries. We also enjoyed hosting open houses, garden tours, and workshops for the community to engage with each other and the garden space.

The 2024 season will allow us to continue and expand on our employment opportunities for nearby North End residents. We are excited to more broadly offer our fresh flowers and produce to the local community through several new channels such as our new farm stand, Joe’s Butcher Shop, and nearby restaurants coming soon to North End.

Our Future

Set on over 5 acres with 1.4 acres for the garden itself, we are thrilled with our future possibilities to keep growing in support of our community. With plans for a greenhouse to help our seeds start, a wash house facility, inclusive group gathering spaces, a welcoming place to relax, and plans to actively revitalize native plants, we’re excited for the future of Fields Market Garden! We look forward to creating a welcoming and inclusive garden space for people with all abilities, backgrounds, and experiences!